Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting package details:

Dedicated Container

Operating system pre-installed on the server.
CPU brand and type of the server.
8 cores
Disk space:
Amount of storage space available on the server.
Available RAM size on the server.
2GB / 12.0GB burstable
Internet bandwidth transfer limit.
Physical location of the data center.
One-time setup fee the hosting provider charges.
Whether the hosting provider can manage the server for you.
Crucial Web Hosting
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Crucial Web Hosting

Company Info:
Company title:
The public name of the company.
Crucial Web Hosting, ltd.
Company ownership type.
Privately Held
Estimated annual revenue of this company.
$0 - 1M ($500,000 estimated) Ranked 69 at HostMonk
Estimated number of employees of this company.
0 - 25 (15 estimated) Ranked 53 at HostMonk
Number of public contacts listed at
0 contacts at Jigsaw
Site Info:
Online since:
The date the domain of this site was first registered.
Alexa traffic rank:
A measure of the site's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Alexa traffic rank in US:
A measure of the site's popularity in US. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews from users from US over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in US.
Unique monthly visitors:
The Unique Visitors metric only counts a person once no matter how many times they visit a site in a given month. Unique Visitors are typically used to determine how popular a site is.
3,000 ( Ranked 63 at HostMonk
Sites linking in:
Average load time:
Median website load time and percent of known sites that are slower.
0.672 Seconds, 14% of the sites are faster Ranked 3 at HostMonk
Contact Info:
Twitter profile:
Name and description of the official Twitter profile of this company.
crucialwebhost (617 followers)
"Enterprise-class software requires enterprise-grade hardware."
Ranked 52 at HostMonk
Physical address of this company.
18521 E Queen Creek Rd, Suite #175, Queen Creek, AZ 85242, US
18521 E Queen Creek Rd, Suite #175, Queen Creek, AZ 85242, US
Official phone number of this company.
Official email:
Official email address of this company.
Terms of service:
Link to the "Terms of service" page published by this hosting provider.
User Reviews:
There are no user reviews for Crucial Web Hosting.
Blog posts
Recent posts from Crucial Web Hosting blog:
Public Network Connectivity Issue (5-5-15)
Jun 06, 2015
Between 5:30 PM MST and 5:50 PM 5/5/15, we experienced inbound connectivity issues with our public network, which may have affected some users.
Magento multiple critical security fixes SUPEE-5994
May 15, 2015
SUPEE-5994 Patch Bundle
ShopLift Magento Vulnerability - Security Patching
Apr 24, 2015
On April 16th we made a post here, which many of you follow, explaining the urgency of applying a patch critical to the security of Magento installations.
Critical Reminder: Download and install Magento security patches
Apr 16, 2015
If you have not done so already, download and install 2 previously-released patches that address potential Magento software security risks. The patches prevent an attacker from remotely executing code on Magento software. These issues affect all versions of Magento Enterprise Edition.
cPanel PHP Config Utility
Apr 02, 2015
Crucial has launched a customized cPanel plugin called "PHP Config" which can be found in your Split-Dedicated servers cPanel.
Emergency Maintenance Notice phx-1210
Feb 01, 2015
phx-1209 Hardware Upgrade November 22
Nov 19, 2014
UPDATE: Maintenance window rescheduled to November 24th 12am EDT
phx-1209 Hardware Upgrade
Nov 19, 2014
In an effort to improve performance for customers on, we will be upgrading the solid state drives to faster Enterprise Intel SSD drives.
Patch Available for Potential Magento Security Exploits
Oct 03, 2014
Important Magento Enterprise Security Update
Remote exploit vulnerability in bash
Sep 24, 2014
CVE-2014-6271 Remote exploit vulnerability in bash has been addressed on all client web servers. Updates were completed shortly after the announcement of the vulnerability and the release of software upgrades from operating system vendors. There is no cause for concern regarding this vulnerability for any clients running on Split-Dedicated Managed servers or shared hosting servers.
cPanel Security Update
Mar 28, 2014
cPanel has released new builds for all public update tiers. These updates provided targeted changes to address security concerns with cPanel. You can read more about this here:
Hardware Node Maintenance
Oct 07, 2013
The following Split-Shared servers will be taken offline to complete this maintenance. The maintenance will begin at 1:50 AM MST on October 8, 2013, and is expected to last up to 2 hours. Technicians will be working as quickly as possible to minimize downtime.
Disk Array Upgrade
Sep 27, 2013
In an effort to continue improving the quality of service on all of our servers, we will be upgrading the disk arrays on a few physical machines in our network.
PHX-1205 Hardware Update
Aug 02, 2013
Update:This update has been rescheduled for August 3, 2013
PHX-1205 Emergency Maintenance
Jul 20, 2013
7/20/2013 8:50PM MST - We are currently performing emergency maintenance on in order to address recent performance issues customers have been experiencing and to avoid an extended service outage.
cPanel Download Database Backup Bug
Jul 03, 2013
The stable release of cPanel (11.38.0) has a bug that results in a 20 byte file when you try to download a database backup. cPanel has fixed this in 11.38.1, but does not have an ETA on when the stable release will receive this update. In the meantime, you will need to use SSH to generate a database backup.
Phoenix Data Center Software Patch
Jul 02, 2013
Over the past few days, we've been dealing with an issue on some of our physical servers, which has caused unexpected downtime for our clients.
Frontend Aggregate Switch Maintenance
Jun 27, 2013
Network engineers have identified an issue with the Frontend Aggregate Switch (FAS) that provides public connectivity to the following servers:
cPanel Theme Maintenance
Jun 27, 2013
Due to the release of cPanel 11.38, our custom theme is currently being updated. While we make our theme compatible, the default (x3) theme will be used. Restart
Jan 16, 2013
The available disk space on is reaching its capacity and must be restarted to increase the disk space on the root partition. Read moreā€¦
Information sources: Alexa Jigsaw