Web hosting package details:

Web Hosting Plan

Operating system pre-installed on the server.
Disk space:
Amount of storage space available on the server.
Internet bandwidth transfer limit.
Physical location of the data center.
One-time setup fee the hosting provider charges.
Control panel:
Type of control panel provided.
Money back:
Money back option the hosting provider gives.
30 days
Hosted domains:
Number of domains that can be hosted with this package.
Scripting languages supported by this package.
PHP, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python, CGI
Email accounts:
Number of email accounts you get with this package.
Number of databases you can set up.
Extra features:
Additional features available for this package.
Free domain, Site builder, Marketing credits, FTP access, SSH access, SSL, Shopping cart, Site statistics
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HostMonster has been providing hosting solutions to thousands of business and personal web sites since 1996. Our internet hosting package helps businesses and individuals get high-powered service at a fraction of the cost.
Company Info:
Company title:
The public name of the company.
Host Monster - Web hosting
Company ownership type.
Privately Held
Estimated annual revenue of this company.
$1 - 10M ($5,000,000 estimated) Ranked 31 at HostMonk
Estimated number of employees of this company.
0 - 25 (15 estimated) Ranked 70 at HostMonk
Owned domains:
List of other domain names that are owned by the same owner as this site.
0catch.com, 1accesshost.com, fcpages.com, mattheaton.com, 012guestbook.com, exactpages.com, sovereigncruises.org, 012webtools.com, meeciteewurkor.com, zerocatch.com, washingtonsocialites.com, webmastersforum.com, yankeetradingpost.com, debategod.com, 1freewebspace.net, clwb.org, instantcity.org, killeenchurch.org, larzia.com, opticrose.com, spottymonster.com, suncoastcrimeprevention.org, vampire-awakening.com
Supported product types:
Hosting package types supported by this provider.
Web hosting
Number of public contacts listed at Jigsaw.com.
1 contacts at Jigsaw
Site Info:
Online since:
The date the domain of this site was first registered.
Alexa traffic rank:
A measure of the site's popularity. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.
Alexa traffic rank in US:
A measure of the site's popularity in US. The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors and pageviews from users from US over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in US.
Unique monthly visitors:
The Unique Visitors metric only counts a person once no matter how many times they visit a site in a given month. Unique Visitors are typically used to determine how popular a site is.
321,003 (Compete.com) Ranked 8 at HostMonk
Sites linking in:
Average load time:
Median website load time and percent of known sites that are slower.
2.468 Seconds, 76% of the sites are faster Ranked 79 at HostMonk
Contact Info:
Twitter profile:
Name and description of the official Twitter profile of this company.
Physical address of this company.
1548 N Technology Way, Orem, UT 84097, US
1548 N Technology Way, Orem, UT 84097, US
Official phone number of this company.
+1 801 765 9400
Official fax number of this company.
+1 801 765 1992
Official email:
Official email address of this company.
Terms of service:
Link to the "Terms of service" page published by this hosting provider.
User Reviews:
There are no user reviews for HostMonster.com.
Information sources: Alexa Jigsaw Compete.com